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Meet Julie

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I started Whole Choice Living in 2019 with a mission to educate clients on what it means to make healthy, sustainable choices when it comes to their lifestyle and well-being. We are exposed to an overwhelming number of toxins in our daily lives, many of which we we never thought were harmful. I am a firm believer that the body has an ability to heal itself under the right conditions. 


I offer:

  • individual nutrition consulting (in-person and virtual session options)

  • group wellness classes & retreats

  • various Create Wellness workshops making: kombucha,  home-made soaps/body products, herbal remedies, healing nature of the arts & nature

  • Spring Forest Qigong & Tai Chi classes

  • for businesses & other organizations: wellness talks/programs for your employees/members

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Hi there! I'm glad you found me. I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Julie Saalsaa; I'm a holistic Nutrition Consultant, herbalist, Restorative Wellness Practitioner, Spring Forest Qigong Certified Practice Group Leader, and Tai Chi Fundamentals Instructor.

My Health Philosophy
  • I believe health should not be based on a lack of disease, but rather the quality of a person’s overall well-being. 

  • Wellness cannot be compartmentalized, so we must address all parts of us: mind, body, spirit and our environment.

  • My approach to a healthier life is simple: it’s based on good quality, whole-foods and herbs, food choices that are customized to each individual, and life-style choices that are not only healthy for us, but sustainable and good for our planet.

  • “Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime.” Chinese Proverb

  • Lasting changes are not done overnight. Remember it has taken a long time to learn the habits you have now. So be gentle with yourself and don’t expect to unlearn EVERYTHING in 30 days!

  • It is my desire to empower you to make lasting changes and let you know you have it in you to be in control of your health and well-being.


Does any of this resonate with you?


Here’s a little more about me and my journey to health….


​I am a graduate of Bauman College in the field of holistic nutrition and I studied herbalism for three years under the direction and guidance of Rosemary Gladstar and other elder herbalists. I am a Spring Forest Qigong Certified Practice Group Leader, as well as a Tai Chi Fundamentals Instructor. I completed three levels of certification with Restorative Wellness Solutions giving me the skills necessary to offer functional tests to my clients (focused on digestion, blood chemistry, and hormones).


My husband and I owned and operated a small community supported agriculture farm that focused on growing organic produce and herbs. We still live on the farm and have scaled back the gardens and also raise chickens.  I make, sell, and teach people how to make their own soap, lip balm, salve, herbal teas and tinctures.  I have seen first-hand what herbs and nutrition can do to support a person’s overall well-being. I am a mother to three amazing humans, from whom I learn from almost every day. I love to create and be creative in all areas of my life. If you don’t find me in the kitchen, you’ll find me in the gardens speaking with the plants!


The name Whole Choice Living is about two things: 

  • wellness is that which makes up the whole person: mind-body-spirit-world (our environment)

  • how we live, think, & behave is a choice. It's not about having full control over things we can't, it's about making the best choices we can for our own individual situations.


My journey to living more naturally started back in 2009. My father had just recently passed away from lung cancer. My youngest was about to turn 2 years old when I found a lump in my breast. As you can imagine, it made me quite nervous as I had just lost my father to cancer. To make a very long story short, I was told I had breast cancer. A Stage 0 cancer – not invasive, yet the first surgeon I saw suggested I get a mastectomy. I was scared; my children were young. Thank goodness I am a seeker of knowledge by nature. Because I did my own research and sought out a second opinion, and I still have all my body parts and no invasive cancer! But it hasn't been easy. I lived for years scared that the next time I went in for a check up was the time the doctors would tell me things had changed. I was stressed out!  While in holistic nutrition school, I learned about how stress can cause so much damage to our overall wellness. I needed to let go of the fear and take control of what I could.


This was a wake up call for me. I took a serious look at what I was putting on my body, in my body and surrounding myself AND my family by. I started making my own soaps and body products and got rid of toxic items in our home. We amped up our garden and started living more naturally. I learned the importance of managing my stress using tools in my toolbox: mindful breathing, herbs, food, nature therapy, yoga, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), my artwork, writing, music, Qigong and Tai Chi. 


In hind sight, I feel it was all a blessing because it lead me here; to a place of peace and self acceptance. I'd like to teach you what I've learned.


In Peace & Green Blessings,


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