I know these are crazy times right now. We are all hidden away in our homes hoping to stop this Covid-19 virus from spreading.
This is an important thing we need to do to keep everyone safe. Thank you to all those working in healthcare, law enforcement, grocery stores, restaurants, schools, postal and delivery services, banking, I know I'm missing industries...so thank you all who are making the daily sacrifice to keep the rest of the world running!
I wanted to give a little back and provide some support. Because you can't get out to the grocery store often or at all, for some of you, I figured offering some healthy dinner recipes with ingredients from the freezer would be helpful. And to make it fun and interactive, I'm going to make it a group Challenge! It will start on April 7th.
Sign up here to join. The Challenge will include 5 delicious and easy to make recipes for dinner, access to a private Facebook group where you will be able to interact with me and the other participants. There you can post questions, pictures of your dinners, and let us know if you made an substitutes to your ingredients. I will also post other small challenges throughout the 5 days. It's a great way to stay connected and support each other!