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What you need to know about lab results

Have you gone to the doctor to get your blood drawn lately for routine health checks? Cholesterol, blood sugar, triglycerides, etc. Did you know that what most doctors and labs say is "normal" or "high/low" is a skewed number? Let me explain.

How Normal Range is Determined

The range the lab uses is based on the current health of the general population. So as our society becomes sicker those numbers change to reflex that. I also just learned that there is no consistency between labs. A lab in South Carolina will have different normal range numbers from one here in Wisconsin. Why is that? Its because those numbers reflex the population in that geographical area.


Crazy right? This blew my mind when I learned this.

What Numbers Should We Use Then?

As a functional nutrition consultant, I am trained to look at what is optimal. The optimal range numbers reflex the science and what has been studied and shows optimal health. Sometimes the ranges are close, but often they are quite different. They great thing about using the optimal range is that it can catch disease before it sets in. If addressed with diet and lifestyle, it can literally stop someone from developing diabetes or heart disease. That's crazy too! But a good crazy.


What I'm Learning Now

In order to better help you, I've decided to continue my studies with Restorative Wellness Solutions to complete my Level 3 certification, Mastering the Art and Science of Nutritional Blood Chemistry. I started my studies last week and am getting trained to read blood chemistry tests that you would typically get done at the doctor's office. I am also able to order them as well, ones that you're doctor usually doesn't order without certain diagnoses. When I look at these test results, I'm not looking to diagnose or treat anything (that's not within my scope of practice), I'm looking for imbalances and seeing if the numbers fall within the optimal range. I am then able to make diet and lifestyle suggestions to help you prevent disease, feel better, and life a long healthy life. Want to know more? Send me an email or fill out the application to work with me.

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